Monday, February 8, 2010

Ottawa Cats on Vacation....

(Left) Well, who do we have here?! It's gonna be a busy few weeks ahead... Let me introduce some of our new friends.... On the top of the stair structure, we have Sulu (grey/white). He's an impressive sized Maine Coon... He's a bigbig boy and very gentle.... Next down, we have little Lulu (grey/white short haired tabby), on her favorite blue pillow. She's still with us a while longer.. As you can see, she's enjoying hanging out with her pals... Below Lulu, we have Tigger (dark tabby/white). She's visited many times, and goes home in the coming week..... Another new face is Bella (dark tabby/white), off to the left of the picture. Mom was very concerned that she wouldn't adjust easily, due to the fact that she was such a shy kitty, when they adopted her, not long ago. This little girl loves being around her feline friends... Mom & family could very easily adopt a 2nd kitty to keep Bella company, at home.... She's very sweet and social.... not to mention, busy....

(Left) Another impressive sized kitty.. this big grey Maine Coon is Sarek.... He is the brother of Sulu, above. Sarek is a bit shyer than his brother, but not nearly as shy as what I had expected, from mom's description.... He's very good with the other cats, and loves his neck scratches.... Both brothers are soo gentle.....

(Left) Leave it to Miloshka (black), to surround himself with beautiful young girls.... Sisters Flick (black/white) and Jingles (calico) are visiting again, with their brother Gaffer.....As expected, there is plenty of action with all of these playful, active cats....

(Left) There's our adorable little Tara (grey/white tabby). Looks like we have lots of grey tabbies in right now, upstairs... There are still many dark tabbies on the first floor... but orange kitties are starting to fill in down there too.... Little girl Tara was snapped enjoying her breakfast today.... She's B&Bing, with her sister Lucille, for the coming weeks... The girls pass a big 'Hi Mom & Dad!', to the folks in the sunny south..... Don't forget the sunscreen!'

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