Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Look at all the cute kitties...

(Left) This might not be the greatest picture of our little boy Gazou.... but, it took about a dozen pics to get it... He was being way to cute rolling around side to side, and upside down.... I think we were fortunate to even get it....

(Left) Wally (dark tabby) has found one of his favorite sleeping spots.... just about anywhere, up high, is his favorite.... unless there is wet food on offer of course... that is the quickest way to get his attention....

(Left) Gorgeous little Luz (dark tabby) 'keeps 5' on BigBird1... It's her first time visiting the Pet B&B. She'll just observe him from afar for now... This is one chatty and friendly girl.... She says 'HI' to mom & dad in France...'Having loads of fun here... They even have a bird!'

Above) Oh, Kaju.... could you get any cuter!?!
He's been coming in a few years now... social little guy... just don't turn your back on him... or, you'll find a little furry grey appendage attached to your shoulder...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Who can spot the running theme?

(Left) Abraham (dark tabby) with little orange kitten Amos... people watching from the airplane....

(Left) Lily (dark tabby) plays 'cat & mouse', or should I say 'cat & cat' with little firecracker Amos....

(Left) Carlos (black) and our girl Suzie Q (tortoise shell)... are never lonely with little boy Amos to keep them company....

(Left) Tora (silver tabby) gets an unexpected visit from... who else... little Amos.... They are both keeping an eye on BigBird1 from inside the phone booth... It's no wonder that Amos' mom told me that Amos's buddies wait in the back yard for him to come out and play... He is one social little munchkin! ... a real cutie...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In loving memory of Spencer...

(Left) It was with great sadness that I had to say good-bye to my dear old friend Spencer (dark tabby), age almost 19 . I had known him about 7 years. He would visit us often and greet me each day with a loud rumbling purr. He passed away on Friday March 27th while his parents were away. We took this picture of him in Sept 08. His health had already started to deteriorate at that time. He will be greatly missed by his family and by me. He was one of my first customers when I opened the Pet B&B. Although I consider each cat that crosses my doorway to be my cat, while they are with us, this little boy held a very special place in my heart.

(Left) Oliver (orange tabby) is visiting us for the first time with his brother Wally (dark tabby)... I caught Oliver being a real ham for the camera...

(Left) Two more of our long time friends are in for the weekend.. Feline (dark tabby) and Bandit (black/white).. These two girls chose to curl up in one of the phone booths for their mid afternoon naps...

(Left) Coco (dark tabby) hides high up in the treehouse... I'm not sure if Kaju (grey) even knows that she's there... Good thing there aren't any apples up in that there tree.. or Kaju would find out in a hurry that he's not alone in there...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Celeb animals - Jennifer Aniston's Norman

I had a long and very interesting conversation with Jennifer Aniston's dog, Norman. He had a lot on his mind. His thoughts and viewpoints will give you some idea of to what extent we influence our animals.
Norman wasn't that keen on the chit-chat stuff... He wanted to talk about life and about Jennifer.

He said he's not that big on swimming or being bathed. He doesn't like being all wet. I asked him what he dreams about? 'Riding the stars, being up there among the planets, ride the moon, peace on Earth'. I asked about the last one. 'no more war, no more fighting, getting along everyone.' I told him that was a beautiful sentiment. I asked why he wished for that? 'Everyone would be happy, no more sadness'. He liked going in airplanes saying' high up, go fast, like going back down'. Why? 'the descent, the climb, they're fine, they make me want to fly like a bird'. He liked driving in cars because ' they're fine, go fast, fly by, the scenery goes far'. He said his health was fine.

I commented to him that his mother looks like a very kind, gentle woman. He replied, 'She's not. Why would you say that? Mixed up, worries all the time, she's not fine, not well. She looks for trouble all the time, not happy.' I asked him what he thought of her? 'Hard headed, too strong, headed for disaster'. How? 'Heart trauma, too much pain in heart, will kill her one day, heart warmed over'. I asked him to explain? 'heart warmed over, bubbling & boiling over, too hot.'

I asked him to describe himself to me? 'Wonderful boy, smart, clever, playful, clown around'. Tell me what troubles you? 'Being all alone in life, no one by my side, starting over, the parts that fell/came apart'. I asked him to explain? 'The parts that can't be recovered'. Parts of what? 'Of life, of love, the sadness goes on.' I told him that he's a very wise puppy. 'Life - it goes on. I try to be'. I asked him if he wanted to ask me anything? 'Where are we'. ??? 'Where do we talk from?' I told him that I think we communicate on the Astral Plane. He didn't think that we talked from there but didn't know either. I asked if he wanted to tell me anything? 'You are kind to help me'. How? 'To get it out, my pain, my worries.'

I asked if there was anything that he wanted to tell his mom? 'It's not the end of the world. It's not that bad. Stop being mad. It'll all go away again. You need to see the good in all you are.' I asked if he'd like to tell Jennifer all the good things that he sees in her? 'Brave, good heart, big heart, kind mother, so nice inside, smart, funny, goofy.' I asked if he had advice for his mom? 'Be strong, not tough, inside. Be warm, be funny, the way you are inside'.

I asked him why he was in his mother's life this time? 'Help her along, help her get through it, she needs my love and support. I can help her a lot.' I asked if he could see me? 'Not at all'. Hear me? Not really. I asked how he received? 'Knowing'. (That is my strength too, and feeling. Many communicators are strong visuals, others hear an animals voice, even their accents...Yes, they do!) He said he'd talked to communicators before but not for long.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

We'll just rename it... tabby land!

(Left) The plane is fully loaded and ready to take off to sun drenched locations.... wait a minute... they're already there.. Everyone climbed aboard one of the sunniest spots at the Pet B&B... On the top, from the front, we have Chazz (dark tabby with white), Lily (dark tabby), Whiskers (orange tabby)... On the lower level... from the window... There is Squeak (grey/white), and our big boy Abraham (dark tabby)..

(Left) Little kitten Amos (orange tabby) saddles up to a larger format of himself... Whiskers

(Below) More orange kitties! This time it's Mr. Whiskers (orange medium haired tabby). He's a fair bit more independant than the others listed above... but very sweet just the same..

(Below) Our girl Sassy (muted tortoise shell) is only partially visible from atop the space ship.. She takes turns hanging out on her favorite structure... sometimes we find her on top.. others, we find her inside... Very calm little girl..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And, the beat goes on...

(Left) Twyla (dark tabby with white) sits all pretty and dainty in the Kitty Condo... She's just a tiny little one... with a big heart..

(Left) Amos (orange kitten) & Chazz (dark tabby). Take 1 and Take 2 (below).... We would've gotten more pictures of them... but they were moving to fast for the camera...

(Below) Jasper (black) tries his paws one more time with BigBird2... No. Really. 'I just want to hold you in my hand.... as long as you promise not to bite me....'

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A few new faces....

(Left) Loki (orange tabby) visited us last week with his older brother Alfredo (Fred), below. Fred (dark tabby) is almost 18 years old. He is one impressive climber and jumper.... I can only imagine how agile he was as a kitten.... Both boys are very gentle and love attention....

(Left) Gingko (black) is no stanger to us.... She can be incredibly shy with new people but, when she knows you, will do cartwheels & summersaults when you give her attention.... She goes home soon after spending the winter with us...

(Left) Hank (black/white) has just met Amos (orange tabby kitten) for the first time... They have fun playing together already... These two boys make their way around the group meeting & socializing with everyone....

Monday, March 23, 2009

So, what did you get up to this weekend?

(Left) Whoa! Hold up! We're here... I mean there! No. I mean Here!
Sparky (dark tabby) pulls back on the reins... This is where he's stoppin'!

(Left) Toffee (silver tabby) takes a stroll down to inspect the bails of hay... make sure everything is secure back there... just in case Sparky starts her up again....!

(Left) Mademoiselle (dark tabby) has been with us since mid December.. It is her 2nd winter with us.... She knows her mom & dad are back in a few short days... She's a little big cutie!

(Left) Lincoln (grey), can we get you anything to make your stay more comfortable?!? One thing about this little guy... He sure knows how to make himself at home.... After all... That's what we want!
If these guys are relaxed and 'at home'... we must be doing something right!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boys, boys, boys....

(Left) Marcel (grey/white) climbs the stairs to see if Sam is getting up soon... He'd like to sit and gab for a while.. once he's upright...

(Left) Whiskers (orange tabby short hair), not to be confused with Mr. Whiskers (orange tabby medium hair), is in with his little brother Chazz below (dark tabby)... They are both sooo friendly & playful... It's always great to have them back...

(Left) Chazz, as in Chazz & Lincoln, from Friday's posting.... takes a little break... His good buddy Lincoln just went home... So, it's a good thing that he has newbie Amos (orange kitten) to help him keep up with his rigorous exercise routines.... We'll have lots of pics of Amos this week... He looks like he's going to be another Lincoln... always near or in the action....like Chazz...

(Left) Carlos. Yes you are!! You are one cool kitty.... cool & schmoozie!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What is on Abraham's mind?

Q. One of our new charges, Abraham, had returned home after a two weeks stay with us. He did great. He was friendly & social & relaxed, right from the get-go. His mother had warned us that he has aggressive tendancies with other animals. She mentioned that he has been know to seriously bite her on the hand or even on her face when she removes Abraham from a situation where he's misbehaving, with either another cat, or more recently, from the paper pouring out of her fax machine.

I explained to her that all cats do well at the Pet B&B because none of them see it as their territory to defend... And, all cats know, that Erin & I are 'top dog' (Sorry, Erin.. just an expression!). So, the whole 'territory issue' doesn't exist... We've been warned about aggressive animals plenty of times, but alas, we've never had a fight there.. Not to say, that when you take your cat back home again, he won't attack a cat that wanders onto his property, because he probably still may.

A. Abraham's mother said that he wasn't bad with dogs. I asked what he thought of them? He described them as 'big, mean, have you for lunch, not that smart, will attack anything.' I asked if he'd gotten on with dogs in the past? 'not really, kinda, not much, tolerate them.'

I asked him what he thought of the Pet B&B? 'It's not outside but it's fine, fun, lots to play with'. I asked what he thought of the other cats during his last visit? 'They're all fine. They're friendly enough, playful sometimes'.

I asked if he had anything to tell me? He said' take me outside sometimes!' He'd seen me take Spencer for walks and he wanted me to take him out too. I told him that he'd have to go on a harness and leash if I were to do that. He flat out refused that idea. He absolutely didn't want to have to be tied and argued with me about it saying that it wasn't right.

He & his mother have been house & cat sitting for friends this week. There is a small white female cat in that house that Abraham has been bullying. I asked him about her and what he thought of her? 'She's not nice, calls me names'. Which names? 'tough guy, big galloot (sp?), trouble maker'. He said she does that because she doesn't like him being in her house. I asked him what he says to her in return? 'I'll make you pay for that. I'll get you back. I'll track you down and get you!' I asked if he calls her names to? 'not really. not like that'.

He bit his mother's hand a few nights ago when she pulled him away from the white cat. I asked him if he'd bitten her? 'not really. not hard'. I told him that she was in a lot of pain from that bite. ' So what!' I asked if he meant to hurt her? 'not really. not like that'.

He bit her again this week when she held him back from the fax machine. I asked him if he did this and why? 'Yes. Held me back, paper coming out' I explained that his mother needs that paper for her work. She can't have it all shredded from him attacking it. He said 'she doesn't. for me to play with'. Again he argued with me about this.

I asked him to describe his personality? 'talented. How? brave, strong, independant thinker, confident player. What do you mean? mastermind, play to win, strategize'. I asked him to describe himself in more detail, 'handsome, fast mover, covers ground well, fast/ efficient'.

I asked him to describe his mother? 'clever, smart, well respected, well liked'. I asked him what he thought of his mother? 'She's alright, She'll do. I'll keep her in line'. In line? 'tell her what to do, how to act with me, show her the way, the ropes.'

As an aside. In my opinion, if a domestic animal bites a person when they are scared, startled, eating or in hunting mode, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. But, if a domestic animal bites 20 or 30 seconds after the 'incident' has already passed, then I would see that as the animal 'deciding' to bite. It is a decision to bite, not an instinct to bite. They are aware of this distinction. They know it's a choice. And, just like with children, if their boundaries aren't well defined to them, they will set their own.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It all started innocent enough..

(Left) So, there they were, the 3 boys.. Sparky, sitting on the front of the tractor (medium hair dark tabby) with little Lincoln (grey) hanging out the belly of the tractor, watching little Chazz (dark tabby), walking about down below.....

(Left) These 2 boys are crazy together... both, way too energetic for their own good.... Here, it starts...

(Below) And continues....

(Left) Wrestlmania anyone?! Da da da da da da, da da da da da da, da da da da da da duh! We're still waiting on the results to see who won this match....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is in the air...

(Left) Tess (dark tabby) suns herself from inside one of my Herbie cars, while her galpal Suzie Q (tortoise shell) gets up close & personal with the morning sun rays....

(Left) Waldo (black/white) watches Leo up on top of the loft... His big sister Jesse (tortoise shell) in the far corner bunk beds, has already settled for the morning...

(Left) Mouse (grey/white) is not a cat that you would call 'playful' with the other cats... that is, until Lincoln came to visit... He's worked his charms on this little Miss... She's set and determined to be his new best friend.... They are very energetic once they get going...

(Left) Lily. You go Girl! She's still trying her best to befriend BigBird 1... He'll talk and joke with her... but, still no invite inside... There's always tomorrow Lily! Things can change a lot in a day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grey kitties.... At the Pet B&B they are!

(Left) Tookie (grey centre) watches Ellie on the lower wing of the airplane..... taking a breather, is Felix (solid grey on left side).... This is the typical calm before the relay race....

(Above) Our new friend Lincoln (grey) has snacks with his new friend Suzie Q (tortoise shell).... mustn't forget the nourishment!!

(Left) Little Skittles (dark tabby) is in again for another March Break with us.... She's very social.... not one to sit still for too long....if there is attention to be had.... very gentle girl!

(Left) I think I'll just be 'invisible' for a while... in here... No one would suspect a thing! Little Dixie (black/white) found a quiet place of her own to just observe, for now...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday's aren't that bad!

(Left) Big handsome Heflin watches the goings-on outside.... from atop the tractor.... He has the dreamiest eye color....

(Left) Winnie (dark tabby), watches Tookie playing below... while Marcel (grey/white) hangs out and shares a pillow with his new friend Sam (white with dark tabby patches).

(Left) Leonardo, or Leo, (Rex) is a curious little lad... He's very schmoozie & playful.... a head-butt-er extrordinaire! He has the neatest little fur coat on him...

(Left) We caught Cookie playing with the 'leopard's tail... Looks like she won!