Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunlight, Camera, Action... That's all it takes ...

(Left) There she is... Lexus, on the right... hangs out with Kiwi... Lexus is the sister of yesterdays big Himalayan boy, Oliver....

(Above right) Being goofy in the driver's seat is Squeak... He just returned on the weekend with his sister Mouse.. Who you can just barely make out in the far background ... in between the two, we have Spartacat... He's been coming in for about 7 years already....almost since I opened..

(Left) Percy, Percy, Percy.... You do provide much entertainment for the other kitties... Missy D.(dark tabby with white) ,on the top stairs, and Kiwi (solid grey), to the back of him, each 'keep 5' on him, to see what he'll do next...

(Left) Looks like Percy has met his match here.... Besha tore across the room and jumped at the scratching post that leads to one of the tree houses... He wasn't expecting that... you can tell by the surprised look on his face.. These two are great buddies... along with Kiwi & Clinton... they can chase each other around for hours in the morning...

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