Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As the leaves change color outside....

(Left) Oh wait. There she goes!! Our gorgeous little Lillie (Bengal) is an adventurous jumper & climber. She does actually sit still sometimes, usually in her favorite hot air balloon, at the top of the staircase. She's sending her dad best wishes to get better real fast.... 'I won't even launch off of your tummy for a while!' My little LillieBean goes home later this week. I don't think that she will bring you your slippers dad, but she will surely keep your toes warm, if you ask her.

(Left) This handsome older boy is Rocky (black). He and brother Murphy just went home earlier this week. Sounds like these two have a grand time at their family cottage. Little Murphy has turned into a real 'bird watcher'... not hunter, just watcher.... unless of course he can get close enough, then he just likes to patt the pretty birdies on the head... not to light.. not too hard.... Very good Murphy! Gentle does it!

(Left) This is my adorable Tessie (dark tabby) just as she's getting into play mode... and, right before she rolls onto her side or back for a tummy rub. She just went home yesterday. Sounds like she's loving her new country diggs.... and still goes for her daily evening strolls with her mom....

(Left) My girl Pheobe (dark tabby/white) is such a walking contradiction... She loves to tease and torment her brother and neighbourhood cats by watching down on them from a high tree or roof, where they can't climb to... But she can be so scared of some cats & situations sometimes, that she drools and almost hyper ventilates. She loves to act like she doesn't want human affection ... and other times, she's an absolute clown, when she tries to get my attention... Mostly, she's just a big softie... but don't tell anyone!!

(Left) Here's another charmer for you. Mathilda ( tortise shell) played the small but mighty tree climber this visit. I often found her sitting on top of this tree, watching me catch up on my paper work, on the other side of the window or french door. She has already returned home. She has come a long way in the past year. She's a rather complicated little girl too... I will sit and have a long chat with her one day. I think she'll be very interesting to talk to.

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