Monday, November 16, 2009

Lots of the Pet B&B's old friends....

(Left) Our big boy Cosmos (grey/white) looked quite relaxed indeed, shortly after he arrived on Friday. He made his way to the back of the group area and climbed up to his favorite bunk bed. Sounds like this big cutie has become quite the 'mouser'... and, another 'feather in his cap'... or, more appropriately, in his mouth... Dad says Cosmos caught his first bird recently....

(Left) Sushi (lynx point Siamese) was being very goofy on the ferris wheel while the morning sun beat down on him. He was doing a few cart wheels of his own while I took pictures of him. I thought he looked too cute with his little toes sticking out of the his landing.... maybe that's how he keeps himself from falling, while he schmoozes for the camera!

(Left) Our gorgeous calico, Mirette, is a regular face at my B&B. If it's a sunny afternoon, she's bound to be spotted sleeping in one of my Kitty Cabs, in front of the big windows.

(Left) Our adorable Tessie (dark tabby/white) is already a seasoned climber, in her few short years. This is a friendly and affectionate little girl, that loves to join her mom on strolls through the neighbourhood.

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